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1945–1949 Indonesian disharmonize and diplomatic struggle confronting Dutch rule

Indonesian National Revolution
Part of the aftermath of the Second World State of war and Decolonisation of Asia
Indonesian National Revolution montage.jpg
Clockwise from the top right:
  • Remains of the car of Brigadier Aubertin Walter Sothern Mallaby, where he was killed on thirty Oct 1945 during the Battle of Surabaya
  • A village virtually Bandung, a number of houses are on burn down. Two Indonesian soldiers are visible on the left of the picture.
  • Delegations of Indonesia and Netherlands arriving at Linggarjati hill to concord Linggadjati Agreement
  • Padang, West Sumatra, after Performance Kraai
  • Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta before exilement to Brastagi, North Sumatra
  • Queen Juliana of holland signing the Soevereiniteitsoverdracht (Transfer of Sovereignty) of Republic of indonesia.
Date 17 Baronial 1945 – 27 December 1949

Dutch Due east Indies (Today Indonesia)

  • Dutch military victory[vi] [vii]
  • Indonesian political victory[8]
  • Dutch recognition of the U.s. of Republic of indonesia in the Dutch-Indonesian Round Table Conference
  • Belligerents

    Indonesia Indonesia

    • PDRI
    • TNI
    • POLRI

    Supported by:
    Australia[a] [1]
    United States[b] [2]
    New Zealand[3]
    India[c] [iv]

    Diplomatic support:
    Soviet Union Soviet Wedlock[5]


    • Dutch East Indies
    • NICA
    • Dutch Caribbean

    British Empire[f]

    • United kingdom
    • British Raj
    • Australia

    Japan[one thousand]
    Commanders and leaders
    Mohammad Hatta
    Sutan Sjahrir
    Amir SjarifuddinExecuted
    Tan MalakaExecuted
    Hamengkubuwono IX
    Southward. Prawiranegara
    Urip Sumoharjo
    Gatot Subroto
    A.H. Nasution
    A.E. Kawilarang
    Andi Abdullah Bau MassepeExecuted
    Hasan Basry
    A. Adisutjipto
    H. Perdanakusuma
    R.E. Martadinata
    Louis Beel
    Willem Drees
    Tony Lovink
    L.H. van Oyen
    H.J. van Mook
    Simon Spoor
    Conrad Helfrich
    Dirk van Langen
    Raymond Westerling
    A.K. Widjojoatmodjo
    Julius Tahija
    Hamid Two
    Louis Mountbatten
    Philip Christison
    • Republican Regular army: 150,000
    • Youth volunteers: 100,000[9]
    • Japanese volunteers: 903[10]
    • Indian defectors: 600[11]
    • Netherlands: 180,000
    • Dutch East Indies: 60,000
    • United Kingdom: 45,000[12]
    • Japan: 35,000
    Casualties and losses
    • Indonesia: 30,000 expressionless
    • Japanese volunteers: 531 expressionless[x]
    • Indian defectors: 525 dead[11]
    • Netherlands: 6,228 dead
    • Dutch E Indies: 3,144 expressionless
    • U.k.: 1,200 expressionless[13]
    • Nippon: one,057 dead[xiv]
    Civilians casualties
    25,000–100,000 dead[fifteen]

    The Indonesian National Revolution, or the Indonesian State of war of Independence, was an armed conflict and diplomatic struggle between the Republic of Indonesia and the Dutch Empire and an internal social revolution during postwar and postcolonial Republic of indonesia. It took place betwixt Indonesia'south declaration of independence in 1945 and holland' recognition of Indonesia'southward independence at the end of 1949.

    The iv-twelvemonth struggle involved desultory but bloody armed conflict, internal Indonesian political and communal upheavals, and two major international diplomatic interventions. Dutch military forces (and, for a while, the forces of the World War II allies) were able to control the major towns, cities and industrial assets in Republican heartlands on Java and Sumatra only could not control the countryside. By 1949, international pressure on kingdom of the netherlands, the United states of america threatening to cut off all economic assistance for World War II rebuilding efforts to the netherlands and the fractional military stalemate became such that kingdom of the netherlands recognised Indonesian independence.[xvi]

    The revolution marked the end of the colonial administration of the Dutch Eastward Indies, except for New Republic of guinea. It also significantly changed ethnic castes as well every bit reducing the ability of many of the local rulers (raja). Information technology did non significantly better the economic or political fortune of the majority of the population, although a few Indonesians were able to proceeds a larger office in commerce.[ citation needed ]

    Background [edit]

    The Indonesian independence movement began in May 1908, which is commemorated as the "Twenty-four hours of National Awakening" (Indonesian: Hari Kebangkitan Nasional). Indonesian nationalism and movements supporting independence from Dutch colonialism, such as Budi Utomo, the Indonesian National Political party (PNI), Sarekat Islam and the Indonesian Communist Political party (PKI), grew chop-chop in the first half of the 20th century. Budi Utomo, Sarekat Islam and others pursued strategies of co-operation by joining the Dutch initiated Volksraad ("People's Quango") in the hope that Indonesia would exist granted cocky-rule.[17] Others chose a non-cooperative strategy enervating the freedom of self-government from the Dutch East Indies colony.[18] The most notable of these leaders were Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta, two students and nationalist leaders who had benefited from the educational reforms of the Dutch Ethical Policy.

    The occupation of Indonesia by Japan for 3½ years during World State of war II was a crucial gene in the subsequent revolution. The netherlands had little ability to defend its colony against the Japanese army, and within only three months of their initial attacks, the Japanese had occupied the Dutch Due east Indies. In Java, and to a lesser extent in Sumatra (Republic of indonesia's ii dominant islands), the Japanese spread and encouraged nationalist sentiment. Although this was done more for Japanese political advantage than from altruistic support of Indonesian independence, this back up created new Indonesian institutions (including local neighbourhood organisations) and elevated political leaders such as Sukarno. Just as significantly for the subsequent revolution, the Japanese destroyed and replaced much of the Dutch-created economic, authoritative, and political infrastructure.[19]

    On vii September 1944, with the war going badly for the Japanese, Prime Minister Koiso promised independence for Indonesia, simply no engagement was set.[xx] For supporters of Sukarno, this announcement was seen as vindication for his collaboration with the Japanese.[21]

    Independence declared [edit]

    Nether pressure level from radical and politicised pemuda ('youth') groups, on 17 August 1945, ii days subsequently the Japanese Emperor's surrender in the Pacific, Sukarno and Hatta proclaimed Indonesian independence. The following day, the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI) elected Sukarno as President, and Hatta as Vice-President.[22] [23] [24]


    Nosotros, the people of Republic of indonesia, hereby declare the independence of Indonesia.

    Matters which business organisation the transfer of ability etc. will exist executed by careful means and in the shortest possible fourth dimension.

    Djakarta, 17 August 1945[25]

    In the proper noun of the people of Indonesia,

    [signed] Soekarno—Hatta

    (translation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oct 1948)[26]

    Revolution and Bersiap [edit]

    Bendera Pusaka, the first Indonesian flag, is raised on 17 Baronial 1945.

    It was mid-September before news of the declaration of independence spread to the outer islands, and many Indonesians far from the capital Djakarta did not believe it. As the news spread, most Indonesians came to regard themselves as pro-Republican, and a mood of revolution swept beyond the state.[27] External power had shifted; information technology would be weeks before Allied Forces aircraft entered Indonesia (attributable in office to boycotts and strikes, in Australia, on coaling, loading and manning Dutch aircraft from Commonwealth of australia, where the netherlands Eastward Indies Regime in exile was based). These strikes were only fully cleaved in July 1946.[28] The Japanese, on the other hand, were required by the terms of the surrender to both lay downward their arms and maintain order; a contradiction that some resolved by handing weapons to Japanese-trained Indonesians.[29] [30]

    The resulting power vacuums in the weeks following the Japanese surrender created an atmosphere of uncertainty, but also one of opportunity for the Republicans.[29] Many pemuda joined pro-Republic struggle groups (badan perjuangan). The most disciplined were soldiers from the Japanese-formed only disbanded Giyugun (PETA, volunteer ground forces) and Heiho (local soldiers employed by Japanese military machine) groups. Many groups were undisciplined, due to both the circumstances of their formation and what they perceived as revolutionary spirit. In the first weeks, Japanese troops often withdrew from urban areas to avoid confrontations.[31]

    By September 1945, control of major infrastructure installations, including railway stations and trams in Java's largest cities, had been taken over past Republican pemuda who encountered piffling Japanese resistance.[31] To spread the revolutionary message, pemuda set up their own radio stations and newspapers, and graffiti proclaimed the nationalist sentiment. On almost islands, struggle committees and militia were ready up.[32] Republican newspapers and journals were mutual in Jakarta, Yogyakarta, and Surakarta, which fostered a generation of writers known every bit angkatan 45 ('generation of 45') many of whom believed their work could exist role of the revolution.[31]

    Republican leaders struggled to come to terms with popular sentiment; some wanted passionate armed struggle; others a more than reasoned approach. Some leaders, such equally the leftist Tan Malaka, spread the idea that this was a revolutionary struggle to be led and won by the Indonesian pemuda. Sukarno and Hatta, by contrast, were more than interested in planning government and institutions to achieve independence through diplomacy.[33] Pro-revolution demonstrations took place in large cities, including i in Jakarta on xix September with over 200,000 people, which Sukarno and Hatta, fearing violence, successfully quelled.[34]

    By September 1945, many of the self-proclaimed pemuda, who were ready to dice for '100% freedom', were getting impatient. It was common for ethnic 'out-groups' – Dutch internees, Eurasian, Ambonese and Chinese – and anyone considered to be a spy, to exist subjected to intimidation, kidnap, robbery, murder and organised massacres. Such attacks would continue throughout the course of the revolution, but were most present during the 1945–46 period, which is known as the Bersiap.[35] [36] [37]

    After the Bersiap in 1947 Dutch regime attempted to call up the bodies of the victims and several survivors of the period provided legal testimony to the Attorney General's office. Due to continued revolutionary warfare few bodies were found and few cases came to court. Around 5,000 graves of Japanese internment, World War 2, and Bersiap victims tin can be institute in the Kembang Kuning war cemetery in Surabaya and elsewhere.[38] [39] [40]

    The Simpang Society Club Surabaya was appropriated by the pemudas of the Partai Rakyat Republic of indonesia (P.R.I.) and made into the headquarters of P.R.I. commander Sutomo, who personally supervised the summary executions of hundreds of civilians. An archived eyewitness testimony of the events of 22 Oct 1945 states:[41]

    Before each execution Sutomo mockingly asked the crowd what should be done with this "Musuh (enemy) of the people". The crowd yelled "Bunuh!" (kill!) after which the executioner named Rustam decapitated the victim with one stroke of his sword. The victim was then left to the bloodthirst of boys ten, 11 and 12 years old.... [who] further mutilated the torso." "Women were tied to the tree in the back yard and pierced through the genitals with "bambu runcing" (bamboo spears) until they died.

    On Sutomo'south orders the decapitated bodies were disposed of in the bounding main, the women were thrown in the river.[41] The expiry toll of the Bersiap period runs into the tens of thousands. The bodies of three,600 Indo-Europeans have been identified as killed. Notwithstanding more than 20,000 registered Indo-European civilians were abducted and never returned. The Indonesian revolutionaries lost at least 20,000, often young, fighting men. Estimates of the number of Indonesian fighters killed in the atomic number 82 up to and during the Battle of Surabaya range from half-dozen,300 to fifteen,000.[42] The Japanese forces lost around 1,000 soldiers and the British forces registered 660 soldiers, mostly British Indians, as killed (with a similar number missing in action).[43] The bodily Dutch armed services was hardly involved,[44] every bit it started to render to Indonesia only in March and April 1946.

    Formation of the Republican government [edit]

    Republic of Indonesia

    Republik Indonesia


    Flag of Indonesian National Revolution


    Anthem:Indonesia Raya
    Capital Jakarta (1945–1946)
    Yogyakarta (1946–1948)
    Capital-in-exile Bukittinggi (1948–1949)
    Common languages Indonesian
    Authorities Unitary i-political party presidential republic
    (17 August 1945 – 3 November 1945)
    Unitary parliamentary democracy

    • 1945–1949


    • 1945–1949

    Mohammad Hatta
    Prime number Government minister

    • 1945–1947

    Sutan Sjahrir

    • 1947–1948

    Amir Sjarifuddin

    • 1948–1949

    Mohammad Hatta
    Legislature Central Indonesian National Commission
    Historical era Aftermath of Globe War Ii

    • Independence proclaimed

    17 Baronial 1945

    • Linggadjati Agreement

    15 November 1946

    • Operation Production

    Jul. – Aug. 1947

    • Renville Understanding

    17 January 1948

    • Operation Kraai

    19 December 1948

    • Round Table Conference

    Aug. – November. 1949

    • Transfer of sovereignty

    27 December 1949
    • Oeang Republik Indonesia
    • Uang Republik Republic of indonesia Propinsi Sumatera (only in Sumatra)
    Preceded past Succeeded by
    Japanese-occupied Dutch E Indies
    United States of Indonesia
    Netherlands New Guinea
    Today part of Republic of indonesia

    By the stop of August 1946, a fundamental Republican regime had been established in Jakarta. Information technology adopted a constitution drafted during the Japanese occupation by the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence. With full general elections nevertheless to exist held, a Primal Indonesian National Commission (KNIP) was appointed to assist the President. Similar committees were established at provincial and regency levels.[45]

    Questions of allegiance immediately arose amongst indigenous rulers. Central Javanese principalities, for case, immediately declared themselves Republican, while many raja ('rulers') of the outer islands, who had been enriched from their support of the Dutch, were less enthusiastic. Such reluctance among many outer islands was sharpened past the radical, not-aristocratic, and sometimes Islamic nature of the Java-centric Republican leadership. Support did, however, come from Due south Sulawesi (including the King of Bone, who still recalled battles against the Dutch from early in the century), and from Makassarese and Bugis raja, who supported the Republican Governor of Dki jakarta, a Menadonese Christian. Many Balinese raja accepted Republican authorisation.[46]

    Fearing the Dutch would attempt to re-found their authorization over Indonesia, the new Republican Government and its leaders moved quickly to strengthen the fledgling administration. Within Indonesia, the newly formed government, although enthusiastic, was fragile and focused in Java (where focused at all). It was rarely and loosely in contact with the outer islands,[47] which had more Japanese troops (specially in Japanese naval areas), less sympathetic Japanese commanders, and fewer Republican leaders and activists.[48] In November 1945, a parliamentary form of government was established and Sjahrir was appointed Prime number Minister.

    In the week following the Japanese surrender, the Giyugun (PETA) and Heiho groups were disbanded by the Japanese.[49] Command structures and membership vital for a national army were consequently dismantled. Thus, rather than being formed from a trained, armed, and organised army, the Republican armed forces began to grow in September from usually younger, less trained groups built around charismatic leaders.[46] Creating a rational armed services structure that was obedient to fundamental authority from such disorganisation, was 1 of the major problems of the revolution, a problem that remains through to gimmicky times.[16] In the cocky-created Indonesian army, Japanese-trained Indonesian officers prevailed over those trained by the Dutch.[l] A thirty-twelvemonth-sometime former school instructor, Sudirman, was elected 'commander-in-chief' at the first meeting of Division Commanders in Yogyakarta on 12 November 1945.[51]

    Allied counter revolution [edit]

    The Dutch accused Sukarno and Hatta of collaborating with the Japanese, and denounced the Democracy as a creation of Japanese fascism.[21] The Dutch East Indies administration had but received a ten one thousand thousand dollar loan from the United States to finance its return to Indonesia.[52]

    Allied occupation [edit]

    The Netherlands, nonetheless, was critically weakened from Globe War II in Europe and did not return as a significant military force until early 1946. The Japanese and members of the Allied forces reluctantly agreed to act as caretakers.[33] Every bit US forces were focusing on the Japanese dwelling house islands, the archipelago was put nether the jurisdiction of British Admiral Earl Louis Mountbatten, the Supreme Allied Commander, South Eastern asia Control. Allied enclaves already existed in Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo), Morotai (Maluku) and parts of Irian Jaya; Dutch administrators had already returned to these areas.[48] In the Japanese navy areas, the arrival of Centrolineal troops quickly prevented revolutionary activities where Australian troops, followed by Dutch troops and administrators, took the Japanese surrender (except for Bali and Lombok).[34] Due to the lack of strong resistance, ii Australian Army divisions succeeded in occupying eastern Republic of indonesia.[53]

    Indian and British troops move cautiously along a jungle track round the town of Gresik.

    The British were charged with restoring order and noncombatant government in Java. The Dutch took this to mean pre-war colonial assistants and continued to claim sovereignty over Indonesia.[33] The British and Indian troops did not, yet, state on Java to accept the Japanese give up until belatedly September 1945. Lord Mountbatten's firsthand tasks included the repatriation of some 300,000 Japanese, and freeing prisoners of war. He did non desire, nor did he have the resources, to commit his troops to a long struggle to regain Indonesia for the Dutch.[54] The first British troops reached Dki jakarta in late September 1945, and arrived in the cities of Medan (Due north Sumatra), Padang (West Sumatra), Palembang (South Sumatra), Semarang (Central Java) and Surabaya (East Java) in October. In an endeavour to avoid clashes with Indonesians, the British commander Lieutenant General Sir Philip Christison diverted soldiers of the former Dutch colonial army to eastern Indonesia, where Dutch reoccupation was proceeding smoothly.[34] Tensions mounted as Allied troops entered Java and Sumatra; clashes broke out between Republicans and their perceived enemies, namely Dutch prisoners, Dutch colonial troops (KNIL), Chinese, Indo-Europeans and Japanese.[34]

    The first stages of warfare were initiated in October 1945 when, in accordance with the terms of their give up, the Japanese tried to re-establish the authority they had relinquished to Indonesians in the towns and cities. Japanese armed forces police force killed Republican pemuda in Pekalongan (Central Java) on 3 Oct, and Japanese troops drove Republican pemuda out of Bandung in W Java and handed the city to the British, simply the fiercest fighting involving the Japanese was in Semarang. On fourteen October, British forces began to occupy the city. Retreating Republican forces retaliated by killing between 130 and 300 Japanese prisoners they were holding. V hundred Japanese and two thousand Indonesians had been killed and the Japanese had almost captured the metropolis six days later when British forces arrived.[34] The Allies repatriated the remaining Japanese troops and civilians to Japan, although near 1,000 elected to remain behind and later assisted Republican forces in fighting for independence.[55]

    Dutch soldiers in the Due east Indies, 1946

    Devastation in Bandung's Chinese quarter

    The British subsequently decided to evacuate the 10,000 Indo-Europeans and European internees in the volatile Central Java interior. British detachments sent to the towns of Ambarawa and Magelang encountered strong Republican resistance and used air attacks against the Indonesians. Sukarno bundled a ceasefire on two November, but by late November fighting had resumed and the British withdrew to the coast.[34] [56] Republican attacks against Allied and alleged pro-Dutch civilians reached a peak in Nov and December, with 1,200 killed in Bandung as the pemuda returned to the offensive.[57] In March 1946, departing Republicans responded to a British ultimatum for them to go out the city of Bandung by deliberately burning down much of the southern half of the metropolis in what is popularly known in Indonesia as the "Bandung Ocean of Fire". The final British troops left Indonesia in November 1946, simply by this time 55,000 Dutch troops had landed in Java.

    Boxing of Surabaya [edit]

    A soldier of an Indian armoured regiment examines a Marmon-Herrington CTLS light tank used past Indonesian nationalists and captured by British forces during the fighting in Surabaya.

    The Battle of Surabaya was the heaviest single boxing of the revolution and became a national symbol of Indonesian resistance.[58] Pemuda groups in Surabaya, the second largest metropolis in Indonesia, seized artillery and armament from the Japanese and ready upwards two new organisations; the Indonesia National Committee (KNI) and the People's Security Council (BKR). By the time the Centrolineal forces arrived at the end of October 1945, the pemuda foothold in Surabaya city was described equally "a strong unified fortress".[59]

    The city itself was in pandemonium. There was bloody hand-to-hand fighting on every street corner. Bodies were strewn everywhere. Decapitated, dismembered trunks lay piled one on acme of the other... Indonesians were shooting and stabbing and murdering wildly

    — Sukarno[threescore]

    In September and Oct 1945 Europeans and pro-Dutch Eurasians were attacked and killed by Indonesian mobs.[61] Ferocious fighting erupted when 6,000 British Indian troops landed in the metropolis. Sukarno and Hatta negotiated a ceasefire between the Republicans and the British forces led by Brigadier Mallaby. Mallaby was killed on 30 Oct 1945 while he was travelling about Surabaya nether a white flag to spread the news about the cease burn agreement[62] and rescue some stranded Mahratta troops, despite being warned of the danger by Force 136 troops.[63] Following the killing of Mallaby on xxx Oct,[59] the British sent more troops into the metropolis from ten Nov under the comprehend of air attacks. Although the European forces largely captured the city in three days, the poorly armed Republicans fought on until 29 Nov[64] and thousands died as the population fled to the countryside.

    Despite the armed forces defeat suffered past the Republicans and a loss of manpower and weaponry that would severely hamper Republican forces for the rest of the revolution, the battle and defence mounted by the Indonesians galvanised the nation in back up of independence and helped garner international attention. For the Dutch, it removed any uncertainty that the Democracy was a well-organised resistance with popular support.[58] It also convinced Britain to lie on the side of neutrality in the revolution,[58] and within a few years, United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland would support the Republican crusade in the United nations.

    Installing the Netherlands Indies Civil Administration [edit]

    Javanese revolutionaries armed with bamboo spears and a few Japanese rifles, 1946

    With British assistance, the Dutch landed their Netherlands Indies Civil Administration (NICA) forces in Djakarta and other key centres. Republican sources reported 8,000 deaths up to January 1946 in the defence of Jakarta, merely they could not hold the urban center.[54] The Republican leadership thus established themselves in the city of Yogyakarta with the crucial back up of the new sultan, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX. Yogyakarta went on to play a leading office in the revolution, which would effect in the city being granted its ain Special Territory condition.[65] In Bogor, nigh Dki jakarta, and in Balikpapan in Kalimantan, Republican officials were imprisoned. In preparation for the Dutch occupation of Sumatra, its largest cities, Palembang and Medan, were bombed. In December 1946, Special Forces Depot (DST), led by commando and counter-insurgency skilful Captain Raymond "Turk" Westerling, were accused of pacifying the southern Sulawesi region using arbitrary terror techniques, which were copied past other anti-Republicans. As many as 3,000 Republican militia and their supporters were killed in a few weeks.[66]

    On Java and Sumatra, the Dutch constitute armed services success in cities and major towns, but they were unable to subdue the villages and countryside. On the outer islands (including Bali), Republican sentiment was not as strong, at least amid the elite. They were consequently occupied past the Dutch with comparative ease, and autonomous states were prepare up by the Dutch. The largest, the Land of East Indonesia (NIT), encompassed most of eastern Indonesia, and was established in December 1946, with its administrative capital in Makassar.[67]

    Diplomacy and military offensives [edit]

    An old Indonesian couple with Dutch soldiers in a Bren Carrier

    Linggadjati Understanding [edit]

    The Linggadjati Agreement, brokered by the British and ended in November 1946, saw kingdom of the netherlands recognise the Commonwealth as the de facto potency over Java, Madura, and Sumatra. Both parties agreed to the germination of the United States of Indonesia by 1 Jan 1949, a semi-autonomous federal state with the monarch of the netherlands at its head. The Republican-controlled Coffee and Sumatra would be one of its states, aslope areas that were more often than not under stronger Dutch influence, including southern Borneo, and the "Slap-up Eastward", which consisted of Sulawesi, Maluku, the Lesser Sunda Islands, and Western New Republic of guinea. The Central National Committee of Republic of indonesia (KNIP) did non ratify the agreement until February 1947, and neither the Commonwealth nor the Dutch were satisfied with information technology.[16] On 25 March 1947 the Lower Business firm of the Dutch parliament ratified a stripped-down version of the treaty, which was non accepted past the Republic.[68] Both sides presently accused the other of violating the agreement.

    ...[the Democracy] became increasingly disorganised internally; party leaders fought with party leaders; governments were over thrown and replaced by others; armed groups acted on their own in local conflicts; certain parts of the Commonwealth never had contact with the center – they just drifted forth in their ain way.

    The whole situation deteriorated to such an extent that the Dutch Government was obliged to decide that no progress could exist made before law and order were restored sufficiently to make intercourse betwixt the different parts of Indonesia possible, and to guarantee the safety of people of unlike political opinions.

    — former East Indies Governor H. J. van Mook's justification for the outset Dutch "police action".[69]

    Operation Production [edit]

    At midnight on 20 July 1947, the Dutch launched a major war machine offensive called Operatie Product, with the aim of destroying the commonwealth and regaining control of areas with natural resource in Java and Sumatra, thus covering the price of the 100,000-strong Dutch military machine presence. Challenge violations of the Linggajati Agreement, the Dutch described the campaign as politionele acties ("police force actions") to restore police force and gild. In the offensive, Dutch forces drove Republican troops out of parts of Sumatra, and Eastward and West Java. The Republicans were bars to the Yogyakarta region of Java. The Dutch gained control of lucrative Sumatran plantations, and oil and coal installations, and in Coffee, control of all deep water ports.[70] [71]

    A Dutch war machine column during Operation Product

    International reaction to the Dutch actions was negative. Neighbouring Australia and newly independent India were particularly active in supporting the Commonwealth's cause in the UN, equally were the Soviet Matrimony and, virtually significantly, the United States. Dutch ships continued to be boycotted from loading and unloading past Australian waterside workers, a blockade that began in September 1945. The United Nations Security Quango became straight involved in the conflict, establishing a Commission of Good Part (CGO, known in Indonesia as Komite Tiga Negara, KTN, simply not confused with Unilateral Commission.) to sponsor farther negotiations, making the Dutch diplomatic position particularly difficult. A armistice, called for by UNSC resolution 27, was ordered by the Dutch and Sukarno on 4 August 1947.[72]

    Renville Agreement [edit]

    The Van Mook line in Coffee. Areas in red were under Republican control.[73]

    The United Nations Security Quango brokered the Renville Understanding in an attempt to rectify the collapsed Linggarjati Agreement. The agreement was ratified in January 1948 and recognised a cease-fire forth the and then-called 'Van Mook line'; an artificial line which continued the most advanced Dutch positions.[74] Many Republican positions, however, were still held behind the Dutch lines. The agreement also required referenda to be held on the political hereafter of the Dutch held areas. The apparent reasonableness of Republicans garnered much important American goodwill.[72]

    Diplomatic efforts between kingdom of the netherlands and the Republic continued throughout 1948 and 1949. Political pressures, both domestic and international, hindered Dutch attempts to determine upon objectives. Similarly, Republican leaders faced great difficulty in persuading their people to accept diplomatic concessions. Past July 1948 negotiations were in deadlock and kingdom of the netherlands pushed unilaterally towards Van Mook's federal Indonesia concept. The new federal states of S Sumatra and East Java were created, although neither had a viable support base.[75] Kingdom of the netherlands set upward the Bijeenkomst voor Federaal Overleg (BFO) (or Federal Consultative Assembly), a body comprising the leadership of the federal states, and charged with the formation of a Usa of Indonesia and an interim authorities by the terminate of 1948. The Dutch plans, however, had no place for the Republic unless it accepted a minor function already divers for information technology. Subsequently plans included Java and Sumatra but dropped all mention of the Republic. The main sticking bespeak in the negotiations was the residue of power betwixt kingdom of the netherlands High Representative and the Republican forces.[76]

    Common distrust betwixt kingdom of the netherlands and the Republic hindered negotiations. The Republic feared a 2d major Dutch offensive, while the Dutch objected to continued Republican action on the Dutch side of the Renville line. In February 1948 the Siliwangi Division (35,000 men) of the Republican Army, led by Nasution, marched from Due west Java to Central Java; the relocation was partly intended to ease internal Republican tensions involving the Division in the Surakarta area and partly intended to semi-honoring a clause in Renville Agreement in which states that "eight. That... the committee'south armed services assistants volition immediately comport enquiries to establish whether and where, especially in West Java, elements of the Republican armed services forces continue to offering resistance behind the present forrard positions of kingdom of the netherlands forces.... these would withdraw as quickly as practicable, and in any case within 21 days, as fix out in the following paragraph." and "9. That all forces of each party in any expanse accepted as a demilitarized zone or in any expanse on the other political party'south side of a demilitarized zone, Will, under the observation of armed forces assistants of the Commission and with arms and warlike equipment, move peacefully to the territory on the political party'due south own side of the demilitarized zones. Both parties undertake to facilitate a speedy and peaceful evacuation of the forces concerned."[77] The marching Indonesian forces[ clarification needed ], withal, clashed with Dutch troops while crossing Mount Slamet, and the Dutch believed it was part of a systematic troop movement across the Renville Line. The fear of such incursions really succeeding, forth with apparent Republican undermining of the Dutch-established Pasundan land and negative reports, led to the Dutch leadership increasingly seeing itself as losing control.[78]

    Operation Crow and General Offensive (Serangan Oemoem) [edit]

    Nosotros have been attacked.... The Dutch government accept betrayed the terminate-fire agreement. All the Armed Forces will bear out the plans which have been decided on to confront the Dutch assail

    — General Sudirman, broadcast from his sickbed.[79]

    Two men with rope around their necks are handcuffed past TNI officers in September 1948 in Madiun, Indonesia.

    Frustrated at negotiations with the Republic and believing it weakened by both the Darul Islam and Madiun insurgencies, the Dutch launched a armed services offensive on nineteen December 1948 which information technology termed 'Operatie Kraai' (Functioning Crow). By the following twenty-four hours information technology had conquered the city of Yogyakarta, the location of the temporary Republican capital letter. By the terminate of December, all major Republican held cities in Java and Sumatra were in Dutch easily.[6] The Republican president, vice-president, and all but six Republic of Indonesia ministers were captured by Dutch troops and exiled on Bangka Island off the e coast of Sumatra. In areas surrounding Yogyakarta and Surakarta, Republican forces refused to give up and continued to wage a guerrilla state of war under the leadership of Republican armed services chief of staff General Sudirman, who had escaped the Dutch offensives. An emergency Republican government, the Pemerintahan Darurat Republik Indonesia (PDRI), was established in W Sumatra.

    Dutch forces in the East Indies, 1948

    Although Dutch forces conquered the towns and cities in Republican heartlands on Java and Sumatra, they could not command villages and the countryside.[fourscore] Republican troops and militia led past Lt. Colonel (afterward President) Suharto attacked Dutch positions in Yogyakarta at dawn on ane March 1949. The Dutch were expelled from the city for six hours simply reinforcements were brought in from the nearby cities of Ambarawa and Semarang that afternoon.[lxxx] Indonesian fighters retreated at 12:00 pm and the Dutch re-entered the metropolis. The Indonesian attack, later known in Indonesia as Serangan Oemoem (new spelling: Serangan Umum '1 March General Offensive'), is commemorated by a large monument in Yogyakarta. A large-scale set on confronting Dutch troops in Surakarta on 10 August the same year resulted in republican forces belongings the city for two days.[81]

    Once again, international opinion of the Dutch military campaigns was one of outrage, significantly in both the Un and the United States. U.S. Secretary of State George C. Marshall threatened to stop all of the economic assistance plan to The Netherlands, unless they immediately withdraw from Indonesia and transferred all of the sovereignty to Republic of indonesia.[2] In January 1949, the United nations Security Council passed a resolution demanding the reinstatement of the Republican government.[21] U.s.a. aid specifically earmarked for Dutch Indonesia was immediately cancelled and pressure mounted within the US Congress for all Us aid to be cut off. This included Marshall Programme funds vital for Dutch postal service-World War Two rebuilding that had so far totalled $The states 1 billion.[82] Kingdom of the netherlands Government had spent an corporeality equivalent to near half of this funding their campaigns in Republic of indonesia. That United States aid could exist used to fund "a senile and ineffectual imperialism" encouraged many central voices in the United States – including those among the US Republican Party – and from within American churches and NGOs to speak out in support of Indonesian independence.[viii]

    In 2013, the Netherlands government apologised for the violence used against the Indonesian people, an amends repeated past King Willem-Alexander on a state visit in 2020.[83] According to a Dutch government enquiry in 2022, the Dutch had resorted to systematic farthermost violence, including torture and murder and this comport had been sanctioned at the highest levels of government.[84]

    Internal turmoil [edit]


    The so-called 'social revolutions' following the independence proclamation were challenges to the Dutch-established Indonesian social gild, and to some extent a result of the resentment against Japanese-imposed policies. Across the land, people rose upwards against traditional aristocrats and village heads and attempted to exert popular ownership of country and other resources.[85] The bulk of the social revolutions ended speedily; in most cases the challenges to the social guild were quashed, although in East Sumatra, the sultanates were overthrown and there were mass killings of members of the aristocratic families.[86] [87]

    A culture of violence rooted in the deep conflicts that separate the countryside during the revolution would repeatedly erupt throughout the whole 2d half of the 20th century.[86] The term 'social revolution' has been applied to a range of mostly violent activities of the left that included both altruistic attempts to organise real revolution and unproblematic expressions of revenge, resentment and assertions of ability. Violence was ane of the many lessons learned during the Japanese occupation, and figures identified as 'feudal', including kings, regents, or simply the wealthy, were oft attacked and sometimes beheaded. Rape became a weapon against 'feudal' women.[85] In the coastal sultanates of Sumatra and Kalimantan, for instance, sultans and others whose dominance had been shored-upward by the Dutch, were attacked equally before long as Japanese potency left. The pro-Dutch aristocratic administrators (uleëbalangs) secular local lords of Aceh, who had been the foundation of Dutch rule, were executed during local civil war, and its place was taken over by pro-Republican religious leaders. (ulama).[88]

    Many Indonesians lived in fearfulness and uncertainty,[ citation needed ] especially a meaning proportion of the population who supported the Dutch or who remained under Dutch control. The popular revolutionary cry 'Liberty or Death' was often interpreted to justify killings nether claimed Republican dominance. Traders were frequently in particularly difficult positions. On the ane hand, they were pressured by Republicans to boycott all sales to the Dutch; on the other hand, Dutch police force could exist merciless in their efforts to stamp out smugglers on which the Republican economy depended. In some areas, the term kedaulatan rakyat ('exercising the sovereignty of the people') – which is mentioned in the preamble of the Constitution and used past pemuda to demand pro-active policies from leaders – came to be used not only in the demanding of complimentary goods, but besides to justify extortion and robbery. Chinese merchants, in particular, were ofttimes forced to keep their appurtenances at artificially low prices nether threat of death.[85] [89]

    Communist and Islamist insurgencies [edit]

    On 18 September 1948 an 'Indonesian Soviet Republic' was alleged in Madiun, east of Yogyakarta, past members of the PKI and the Indonesian Socialist Party (PSI). Judging the time right for a proletarian uprising, they intended it to be a rallying signal for revolt against "Sukarno-Hatta, the slaves of the Japanese and America".[29] Madiun however was won back past Republican forces within a few weeks and the insurgency leader, Musso, killed. RM Suryo, the governor of East Coffee, besides as several law officers and religious leaders, were killed by the rebels. This ended a distraction for the revolution,[29] and information technology turned vague American sympathies based on anti-colonial sentiments into diplomatic support. Internationally, the Republic was at present seen as being staunchly anti-communist and a potential ally in the emerging global Cold War between the American-led 'gratuitous world' and the Soviet-led bloc.[90]

    Members of the Republican Army who had come from Indonesian Hizbullah felt betrayed by the Indonesian Government for ratifying the Renville Agreement[91] [92] [93]-- therefore recognising many areas backside the van Mook Line equally de jure Dutch. In May 1948, they declared a break-away authorities, the Negara Islam Republic of indonesia (Indonesian Islamic State), ameliorate known as Darul Islam. Led past an Islamic mystic, Sekarmadji Maridjan Kartosuwirjo, Darul Islam sought to found Republic of indonesia equally an Islamic theocracy. At the fourth dimension, the Republican Regime did not respond, as they were focused on the threat from the Dutch. Some leaders of Masjumi sympathised with the rebellion. Afterwards the Commonwealth regained all territories in 1950, the government took the Darul Islam threat seriously, especially after some provinces alleged that they had joined Darul Islam. The last group of rebels was put downwardly in 1962.[94] [95]

    Transfer of sovereignty [edit]

    Australia's The Northern Star newspaper regarding the independence of Indonesia engagement 28 Dec 1949

    Millions upon millions flooded the sidewalks, the roads. They were crying, auspicious, screaming "...Long live Hurl Karno..." They clung to the sides of the motorcar, the hood, the running boards. They grabbed at me to osculation my fingers.

    Soldiers beat a path for me to the topmost footstep of the big white palace. There I raised both easily high. A stillness swept over the millions. "Alhamdulillah – Thank God," I cried. "We are complimentary"

    — Sukarno'due south recollections of independence achieved.[96]

    The resilience of Indonesian Republican resistance and active international diplomacy gear up world opinion against the Dutch efforts to re-plant their colony.[viii] The second 'police action' was a diplomatic disaster for the Dutch crusade. The newly appointed U.s. Secretary of State Dean Acheson pushed holland government into negotiations before recommended by the United Nations but until then defied by the Netherlands. The Dutch–Indonesian Round Table Conference was held in The Hague from 23 August 1949 to 2 November 1949 betwixt the Republic, the Netherlands, and the Dutch-created federal states. Holland agreed to recognise Indonesian sovereignty over a new federal state known as the 'Us of Republic of indonesia' (RUSI). It would include all the territory of the former Dutch East Indies with the exception of Netherlands New Guinea; sovereignty over which it was agreed would be retained past the Netherlands until further negotiations with Indonesia within a year of the transfer of sovereignty.[97] The other issue on which Indonesia gave concessions was paying Netherlands E Indies debt which amount to iv.5 billion guilders. This amount would mean, Indonesia paid for the colonial government expenses of " Politionele acties ".[98] [99] [100] Sovereignty was formally transferred on 27 December 1949, and the new state was immediately recognised by the U.s. of America.

    Republican-controlled Java and Sumatra together formed a unmarried state in the sixteen-country RUSI federation, but accounted for almost half its population. The other fifteen 'federal' states had been created by the Netherlands since 1945. These states were dissolved into the Commonwealth over the first one-half of 1950. An abortive anti-Republic insurrection in Bandung and Djakarta by Westerling'southward Legion of Ratu Adil (APRA) on 23 January 1950 resulted in the dissolution of the populous Pasundan state in W Java, thus quickening the dissolution of the federal structure. Colonial soldiers, who were largely Ambonese, clashed with Republican troops in Makassar during the Makassar Uprising in April 1950. The predominantly Christian Ambonese were from one of the few regions with pro-Dutch sentiments and they were suspicious of the Javanese Muslim-dominated Republic, whom they unfavourably regarded as leftists. On 25 April 1950, an contained Republic of South Maluku (RMS) was proclaimed in Ambon simply this was suppressed by Republican troops during a entrada from July to November. With the country of East Sumatra now being the just federal land remaining, it too folded and cruel in line with the unitary Republic. On 17 August 1950, the fifth anniversary of his proclamation of Indonesian independence, Sukarno proclaimed the Democracy of Indonesia equally a unitary land.[101] [102] [21]

    Impacts [edit]

    Indonesian Vice-president Hatta and Dutch Queen Juliana at the signing anniversary which took place at the Royal Palace of Amsterdam. With the treaty signed, the Dutch officially recognised Indonesian sovereignty.

    Although there is no accurate account of how many Indonesians died, they died in far greater numbers than the Europeans. Estimates of Indonesian deaths in fighting range from 45,000 to 100,000 and civilian dead exceeded 25,000 and may have been as high as 100,000.[103] [104] [105] A full of one,200 British soldiers were killed or went missing in Coffee and Sumatra in 1945 and 1946, nearly of them Indian soldiers.[13] More than than 5,000 Dutch soldiers lost their lives in Republic of indonesia between 1945 and 1949. Many Japanese died; in Bandung solitary, 1,057 died, but virtually half of whom died in bodily combat, the rest killed in rampages by Indonesians. Vii 1000000 people were displaced on Java and Sumatra.[103] [106]

    Memorial to Dutch losses in the war at the Prinsenhof in Delft

    The revolution had direct effects on economical weather; shortages were common, particularly food, vesture and fuel. At that place were in effect two economies – the Dutch and the Republican – both of which had to simultaneously rebuild later Earth State of war Ii and survive the disruptions of the revolution. The Republic had to prepare all necessities of life, ranging from 'postage stamps, army badges, and train tickets' whilst subject to Dutch trade blockades. Confusion and ruinous inflationary surges resulted from competing currencies; Japanese, new Dutch coin, and Republican currencies were all used, often concurrently.[107] Indonesian regime was saddled with pregnant debt, slowing development, with last remaining payment for Dutch–Indonesian Round Table Conference was made in the grade of annual payment, with 1% annual involvement rate since 1973, was made in 2002.[98]

    Indonesian independence was secured through a alloy of both diplomacy and force. Despite their sick-discipline raising the prospect of chaos, without pemuda confronting foreign and Indonesian colonial forces, Republican diplomatic efforts would take been futile. The revolution is the turning bespeak of modern Indonesian history, and it has provided the reference betoken and validation for the country'due south major political trends that continue to the present day. Information technology gave impetus to communism in the land, to militant nationalism, to Sukarno'due south 'guided commonwealth', to political Islam, the origins of the Indonesian army and its role in Indonesian power, the country's constitutional arrangements, and the centralism of power in Indonesia.[108]

    The revolution destroyed a colonial administration ruled from the other side of the world, and dismantled with it the raja, seen by many as obsolete and powerless. Also, it relaxed the rigid racial and social categorisations of colonial Indonesia. Tremendous energies and aspirations were created amongst Indonesians; a new creative surge was seen in writing and fine art, as was a not bad need for education and modernisation. It did not, all the same, significantly ameliorate the economic or political fortune of the population's poverty-stricken peasant majority; only a few Indonesians were able to proceeds a larger role in commerce, and hopes for republic were dashed within a decade.[108]

    See also [edit]

    • Independence Mean solar day (Republic of indonesia)
    • List of high-ranking commanders of the Indonesian War of Independence
    • Timeline of the Indonesian National Revolution
    • Military Mission for Indonesia

    Notes [edit]

    1. ^ from 1947
    2. ^ from 1949
    3. ^ subsequently 1947
    4. ^ after 1946
    5. ^ from 1946
    6. ^ until 1946
    7. ^ until 1946
    1. ^ "Australia & Indonesia's Independence:The Transfer Of Sovereignty: Documents 1949". Minister for Foreign Affairs. Archived from the original on 29 October 2013. Retrieved xi May 2013.
    2. ^ a b Gouda, Frances (2002). American visions of the Netherlands East Indies/Indonesia : US foreign policy and Indonesian nationalism, 1920–1949. Thijs Brocades Zaalberg. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. ISBN1-4175-2156-2. OCLC 55842798.
    3. ^ Michael Green, 147–49
    4. ^ Foreign Policy of India: Text of Documents 1947–59 (p. 54)
    5. ^ https://scholarworks.umt.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=9687&context=etd[ bare URL ]
    6. ^ a b Reid 1974, p. 152.
    7. ^ Vickers 2005, p. 115.
    8. ^ a b c Friend 2003, p. 38.
    9. ^ "Indonesian Heritage".
    10. ^ a b Prastiwi, Arie Mega (15 August 2016). "Kisah Rahmat Shigeru Ono, Tentara Jepang yang 'Membelot' ke NKRI". liputan6.com (in Indonesian). Retrieved xiii May 2020.
    11. ^ a b Khan, AG (12 May 2012). "Indian Muslim soldiers: heroic role in Indonesia'south liberation". The Milli Gazette . Retrieved 24 March 2020.
    12. ^ "Pasukan Inggris di Indonesia: 1945–1946". 13 Nov 2020.
    13. ^ a b Kirby 1969, p. 258.
    14. ^ Beck 2008.
    15. ^ "Jumlah Korban Indonesia – Imperial & Global Forum".
    16. ^ a b c Friend 2003, p. 35.
    17. ^ Vandenbosch 1931, pp. 1051–106.
    18. ^ Kahin 1980, pp. 113–120.
    19. ^ Vickers 2005, p. 85.
    20. ^ Ricklefs 1991, p. 207.
    21. ^ a b c d Frederick & Worden 1993.
    22. ^ Ricklefs 1991, p. 213.
    23. ^ Taylor 2003, p. 325.
    24. ^ Reid 1974, p. 30.
    25. ^ Note: In fact, 05 was used for the twelvemonth meaning Japanese purple year 2605.
    26. ^ Kahin 2000, pp. one–4.
    27. ^ Ricklefs 1991, pp. 214–215.
    28. ^ Lockwood 1975.
    29. ^ a b c d Friend 2003, p. 32.
    30. ^ Cribb 1986, pp. 72–85.
    31. ^ a b c Ricklefs 1991, pp. 215–216.
    32. ^ Vickers 2005, p. 198.
    33. ^ a b c Vickers 2005, p. 97.
    34. ^ a b c d e f Ricklefs 1991, p. 216.
    35. ^ Reid 1974, p. 49.
    36. ^ Fenton-Huie 2005.
    37. ^ Reid 1981, pp. 107–157.
    38. ^ jeff (22 August 2016). "Death MARCH THROUGH THE MOUNTAINS". The Indo Project . Retrieved 30 January 2022.
    39. ^ "OPINI: Paradoks Masa Bersiap". merdeka.com. 26 January 2022. Retrieved 30 January 2022.
    40. ^ Kompasiana.com (31 October 2013). "Jejak Sejarah di Ereveld Kembang Kuning – Surabaya". KOMPASIANA (in Indonesian). Retrieved 30 January 2022.
    41. ^ a b Notation: These legal testimonies formerly designated top secret have been fabricated public and are available online. Run across: Van der Molen, Pia Bussemaker, Herman Archief van Tranen website (2012). Document: 125_A_B_C_D_E_F Online annal
    42. ^ Vickers 2005, p. 98.
    43. ^ Bussemaker 2005.
    44. ^ Sometime KNIL POWs were nevertheless recuperating in Allied military bases outside of Indonesia (e.g. Nippon and the Philippines). The British in fact prohibited Dutch troops from entering the country during most of the Bersiap period.
    45. ^ Kahin 1952, p. 140.
    46. ^ a b Ricklefs 1991, p. 214.
    47. ^ Friend 2003, p. 33.
    48. ^ a b Ricklefs 1991, p. 215.
    49. ^ Most PETA and Heiho members did non yet know about the announcement of independence.
    50. ^ Matanasi, Petrik (5 Oct 2018). "Pertarungan Abadi di Tubuh TNI: Eks KNIL vs Eks PETA". tirto.id (in Indonesian). Retrieved 3 Dec 2019.
    51. ^ Reid 1974, p. 78.
    52. ^ Bidien 1945, pp. 345–348.
    53. ^ Ashton & Hellema 2001, p. 181.
    54. ^ a b Vickers 2005, p. 99.
    55. ^ Tjandraningsih 2011, p. 3.
    56. ^ McMillan 2005, pp. 306–307.
    57. ^ Reid 1974, p. 54.
    58. ^ a b c Ricklefs 1991, p. 217.
    59. ^ a b Parrott 1975, pp. 87–111.
    60. ^ Sukarno & Adams 1965, p. 228.
    61. ^ Frederick 1989, pp. 237–243.
    62. ^ Parrott 1975, p. 75.
    63. ^ Heren 2010, The Death Knell.
    64. ^ Jessup 1989.
    65. ^ Friend 2003, p. 420.
    66. ^ Ricklefs 1991, p. 224.
    67. ^ Kahin 1952, pp. 355, 357.
    68. ^ Kahin 1952, p. 206.
    69. ^ van Mook 1949, p. 298.
    70. ^ Reid 1974, pp. 111–112.
    71. ^ Ricklefs 1991, p. 225.
    72. ^ a b Ricklefs 1991, p. 226.
    73. ^ Kahin 1952, p. 233.
    74. ^ Kahin 1952, p. 229.
    75. ^ Reid 1974, p. 149.
    76. ^ Reid 1974, p. 150.
    77. ^ "22 Renville Understanding". Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade . Retrieved 31 January 2022.
    78. ^ Reid 1974, pp. 149–151.
    79. ^ Kodam 6/Siliwang 1968, cited in Reid (1974, p. 152)
    80. ^ a b Reid 1974, p. 153.
    81. ^ Reid 1974, p. 161.
    82. ^ Friend 2003, p. 37.
    83. ^ Jatmiko, Andi. "Dutch king apologises for colonial killings in Indonesia". Belfasttelegraph.
    84. ^ Boffey, Daniel (17 February 2022). "Dutch PM apologises for state's office in abuses in 1940s Indonesian state of war". The Guardian . Retrieved 18 February 2022.
    85. ^ a b c Vickers 2005, pp. 101–104.
    86. ^ a b Colombijn & Linblad 2002, pp. 143–173.
    87. ^ Said 1973, pp. 145–186.
    88. ^ Ricklefs (1991), page 220
    89. ^ Reid 1974, p. 60.
    90. ^ Ricklefs 1991, p. 230.
    91. ^ Temby, Quinton (2010). "Imagining an Islamic State in Indonesia: From Darul Islam to Jemaah Islamiyah". Indonesia (89): i–36. ISSN 0019-7289.
    92. ^ "Melanjutkan Perjanjian Linggarjati, Inilah Perjanjian Renville yang Justru Setelah Disepakati Malah Menyulut Amarah Warga di Jawa Barat, Mengapa? – Halaman two – Intisari". intisari.filigree.id (in Indonesian). Retrieved 31 January 2022.
    93. ^ "Sejarah Perjanjian Renville – Isi dan Dampaknya untuk Indonesia". Sejarah Lengkap. 12 October 2016. Retrieved 31 January 2022.
    94. ^ "20 September 1953: Daud Beureueh Pimpin Pemberontakan DI/TII Aceh". Liputan6.com. 20 September 2019.
    95. ^ ""Keterangan Pemerintah tentang peristiwa Daud Beureuh : diutjapkan dalam rapat pleno terbuka Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Republik Indonesia tanggal 28 Oktober 1953". digitalcollections.universiteitleiden.nl.
    96. ^ Sukarno & Adams 1965, pp. 262–263.
    97. ^ Agung 1973, pp. 69–70.
    98. ^ a b Toebosch, Annemarie. "Dutch Memorial Solar day: Maintaining colonial innocence by excluding people of colour". theconversation.com . Retrieved 9 April 2021.
    99. ^ Giebels, Lambert. "The Indonesian Injection". www.groene.nl.
    100. ^ Marhé, Usha (two July 2014). "Holland and reparations [COLUMN]". waterkant.net . Retrieved ix April 2021.
    101. ^ Reid 1974, pp. 170–172.
    102. ^ Ricklefs 1991, pp. 232–233.
    103. ^ a b Vickers 2005, p. 100.
    104. ^ Friend 1988, pp. 228 and 237.
    105. ^ Pendit 1988; Stoler 1985, p. 103; Toer, Toer & Kamil 2005a; Toer, Toer & Kamil 2005b; Toer, Toer & Kamil 2005c; Toer, Toer & Kamil 2014, all cited in Vickers (2005, p. 100)
    106. ^ Documentary pic Tabee Toean, 1995. Director: Tom Verheul. Combination of footage and stories of Dutch war veterans.
    107. ^ Vickers 2005, p. 101.
    108. ^ a b Reid 1974, pp. 170–171.

    References [edit]

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    • Stoler, Ann (1985). Capitalism and Confrontation in Sumatra'southward Plantation Chugalug, 1870–1979. New Haven: Yale University Press. ISBN9780472082193.
    • Sukarno; Adams, Cindy (1965). Sukarno: An Autobiography. Bobbs-Merrill.
    • Taylor, Jean Gelman (2003). Republic of indonesia: Peoples and History. Yale University Printing. p. 325. ISBN0-300-10518-5.
    • Tjandraningsih, Christine T. (nineteen August 2011). "Indonesians to get book on Japanese freedom fighter". Japan Times . Retrieved 29 October 2018.
    • Vandenbosch, Amry (1931). "Nationalism in Netherlands East Republic of india". Pacific Affairs. Pacific Affairs, University of British Columbia. iv (12): 1051–1069. doi:x.2307/2750579. JSTOR 2750579.
    • Vickers, Adrian (2005). A History of Modern Republic of indonesia. New York: Cambridge Academy Press. pp. 85–112. ISBN0-521-54262-6.

    Further reading [edit]

    • Anderson, Ben (1972). Java in a Time of Revolution: Occupation and Resistance, 1944–1946 . Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Printing. ISBN0-8014-0687-0.
    • Cribb, Robert (1991). Gangster and Revolutionaries: The Djakarta People's Militia and the Indonesian Revolution 1945–1949. Sydney, Commonwealth of australia: ASSA Southeast Asian Publications Series – Allen and Unwin. ISBN0-04-301296-v.
    • Drooglever, P. J.; Schouten, Chiliad. J. B.; Lohanda, Mona (1999). Guide to the Athenaeum on Relations between the Netherlands and Indonesia 1945–1963. The Hague, Netherlands: ING Inquiry Guide.
    • George, Margaret (1980). Australia and the Indonesian Revolution. Melbourne University Press. ISBN0-522-84209-7.
    • Heijboer, Pierre (1979). De Politionele Acties (in Dutch). Haarlem: Fibula-van Dishoeck.
    • Holst Pellekaan, R.E. van, I.C. de Regt "Operaties in de Oost: de Koninklijke Marine in de Indische archipel (1945–1951)" (Amsterdam 2003).
    • Ide Anak Agug Gde Agung (1996) (translated to English by Linda Owens)From the Formation of the State of E Indonesia Towards the Establishment of the Us of Indonesia Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Republic of indonesia ISBN 979-461-216-2 (Original edition Dari Negara Republic of indonesia Timur ke Republic Republic of indonesia Serikat 1985 Gadjah Mada Academy Printing)
    • Jong, Dr. L. de (1988). Het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in de Tweede Wereldoorlog, deel 12, Sdu, 's-Gravenhage (an administrative standard text on both the political and military aspects, in Dutch)
    • Kahin, Audrey (1995). Regional Dynamics of the Indonesian Revolution. University of Hawaii Press. ISBN0-8248-0982-three.
    • Kodam VI/Siliwang (1968). Siliwangi dari masa kemasa (in Indonesian). Fakta Mahjuma.
    • Lucas, A. (1991). One Soul Ane Struggle. Region and Revolution in Republic of indonesia. St. Leonards, Australia: Allen & Unwin. ISBN0-04-442249-0.
    • Payne, Robert (1947). The Defection In Asia. New York: John Twenty-four hour period.
    • Poeze, Harry A. (2007). Verguisd en vergeten. Tan Malaka, de linkse beweging en de Indonesische Revolutie 1945–1949. KITLV. p. 2200. ISBN978-90-6718-258-4.
    • Taylor, Alastair Thou. (1960). Indonesian Independence and the Un. London: Stevens & Sons. ASIN B0007ECTIA.
    • Yong Mun Cheong (2004). The Indonesian Revolution and the Singapore Connection, 1945–1949. Leiden, Netherlands: KITLV Press. ISBN90-6718-206-0.

    External links [edit]

    Media related to Indonesian Revolution at Wikimedia Eatables

    • Parallel and Divergent Aspects of British Dominion in the Raj, French Rule in Indochina, Dutch Rule in the netherlands East Indies (Republic of indonesia), and American Dominion in the Philippines.
    • Radio address by Queen Wilhelmina on 7 December 1942.
    • Dutch Proposals for Indonesian Settlement half dozen Nov 1945.
    • Dutch Proposals for Indonesian Settlement 10 Feb 1946.
    • Text of the Linggadjati Agreement 10 Feb 1946.
    • The Renville Political Principles 17 January 1948.
    • Dutch Queen Signs abroad an Empire (1950), newsreel on the British Pathé YouTube Channel


    Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indonesian_National_Revolution

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