Can U Get the Pink Thing on Your Neck Again Warframe


The infested are greatly known for taking over Corpus and Grineer enemies alike, causing mutations and severe changes to their hosts and transforming them into abominations that you fight against.

It has come up to show that not merely are the Grineer and Corpus capable of beingness susceptible to the infestation simply also other organic or non-organic life forms likewise.

The Warframe itself is susceptible to such a sickness and is vulnerable to beingness a host for such parasitic technocytes known as the infested.

You might not notice information technology at start but in that location is a chance your Warframe may become infected and later on you will notice some changes resulting from the infection.

This guide will show you what can be done if e'er yous encounter the Helminth Virus and what you tin do later.

Origin of the Virus


Upon conquering of the Nidus Warframe, an surface area in the dorsum of your orbiter becomes accessible due to his connection with the infestation.

Nidus is a Warframe based on the infestation and has been built to use it to his advantage, however upon more than severe interaction with the Helminth and its infestation, something tin change inside him that can crusade a chain reaction.

You will have noticed there is a part of your orbiter that has infestation growing about it, with Nidus every bit your current selected Warframe you may approach this and expect a effect that does non happen with other clean Warframes.


Every bit y'all approach the infested department of your ship, Nidus will begin to react and his mutations will show equally this indicates a strong connection with the infection which becomes enticing to cheque.

Nidus may then enter the room and come across that at that place is a severe infection along with a chair in the center of the area that may be interacted with.


Upon interacting with the chair, Nidus volition be infected and later on 24 hours a cyst will take formed on his neck and volition continuously grow for 7 days until fully matured.

It is during this time that anyone that Nidus comes in contact with, regardless of them being your friend, clan mate or some random person in a mission, they can become infected and will abound a cyst as well.


Anyone that has been infected by Nidus and has the Helminth cyst, will also exist able to spread the virus to others just as Nidus did with them and this will continuously happen, resulting in the growth of a cyst on your Warframe and anyone else who has been infected.

Do not panic as there is a solution to this infection and it can exist dealt with in ii unlike ways to remove the pink cyst.

Method i

Extracting The Helminth Cyst In the Infested Room


Simply how the infection originally began in the beginning place, the origin of where information technology came is too the style to remove this viral infection.

Heading towards the area where Nidus originally contracted the cyst, will reveal that you are allowed to enter one time the cyst on your neck has fully matured.

You may then enter the room full of infestation and approach the chair where the Helminth virus originally began.


Once you approach the chair in that location will exist an option to "cure cyst" which will remove the cyst on your Warframes cervix.

You accept an option to choose this or can walk away and return someday that you lot desire if you change your mind.


Choosing to sit on the chair volition prompt a brusque scene where the infested office of the orbiter volition embark a procedure to remove the pinkish cyst on your neck.

Ordis volition be surprised past this and blurt out "Operator? No! Have you lost your mind?" which merely is just him being in shock for not knowing what the Helminth is doing simply the result actually makes it remove the cyst.

One time you lot have removed the cyst from a Warframe, this makes them immune from future infections and ensures you don't abound the cyst or get infected again.

This only applies to one Warframe, any other Warframes you lot take will exist susceptible to getting infected and growing the Helminth cyst and will require removal by 1 of the 2 methods.

Take note that the cyst does not pose any real threats or disable your Warframe in any way but rather just entices other players to tease you by saying you have "infinite aids" and other humorous comments about the pinkish cyst on your neck (haha).

Method two

Extracting The Cyst And Using It To Breed A Helminth Charger


It may still be a undercover to many players but there is indeed an infested variant of the Kubrow known as the Helminth Charger.

This is a combination that can be done by convenance and using a Kubrow Egg along witht the Helminth Cyst.

You lot will need to have a fully matured cyst on your neck before you may brainstorm the procedure of extracting it and breeding the Helminth charger.

This is also considered the process on how to get Helminth Charger.


Brainstorm by interacting with the incubator on your ship so yous may be showtime with the procedure and Helminth Breeding.

Select Kubrow convenance from the options to begin convenance the special Kubrow.


Be sure you have a Kubrow Egg, Incubator Cadre and a Stasis Slot available or you will not be allowed to breed.

Whatever electric current pets that you have will demand to be put into status to brand upward infinite for the new one every bit you lot may only take one active and breeding ane will make this become a conflict of space.

Once yous come across all the requirements to breed the Kubrow, click on begin incubation.


Instead of selecting to do a random incubation or use imprints, you volition notice that there is an selection at the bottom that says bleed.

Click this to initialize the process of draining the pinkish cyst on your neck which will exist used to breed the new Kubrow or Helminth Charger that yous are most to create.

Proceeding this step will put you through the steps on how to get the infested Kubrow.


One time ready click on yes when you are prompted with the concluding text which will then proceed like a elementary breeding process.

Wait for the time like you would any other pet that you would breed.


At that place yous have information technology! Your cyst has been drained and now yous have a new infested companion, the Helminth Charger.

The Helminth Charger is similar to a Kubrow merely has dissimilar attacks and abilities which are similar to Nidus and the infested.

Merely like Kubrows this may gain affinity and rank up as well as be modded to become stronger.


Not only practise you remove the annoying cyst that is on your neck but you have now successfully bred a powerful companion that is just like whatever other with the exception of beingness infested.



There y'all take it, the ii means to remove the pink cyst that grows on your neck is done in your orbiter by either extracting information technology and removing it completely or extracting information technology to breed the Helminth Charger.

The infection volition non affect you lot if you had already had yours removed previously so at that place is no demand to worry about farther infections.

New Warframes are susceptible to the virus majority of the time so you lot might be seeing yourself bringing it to the back area to remove the cyst if its new and you have had it for a while.


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